Salem Strict and Particular Baptist Church
Other sites of interest
Please note: We do not necessarily endorse all the views or the content you might find on these sites.
Chippenham Old Baptist Chapel: www.chippenhamoldbaptist.org.uk
Gospel Mission Books: www.gmchristianbooks.com
Gospel Standard: www.gospelstandard.org.uk
Grace Truth Ministries: gracetruthministries.com
Hedge End Baptist Chapel: https://hedgeendchapel.home.blog/
The Huntingtonian Press: http://huntingtonianpress.org
The Parsons Pages: www.theparsonspages.co.uk
Sermonaudio.com: www.sermonaudio.com/salemportsmouth
Stichting Vrienden van The Gospel Standard: www.gospelstandardvrienden.nl
Dutch friends of The Gospel Standard advocating the truth as expounded by The Gospel Standard.
Trinitarian Bible Society: www.trinitarianbiblesociety.org