Salem Strict and Particular Baptist Church
Salem Strict and Particular Baptist Church
Meeting at Salem Baptist Chapel
Shearer Road
Pastor: Mr. H. Sant
Lord's Day 11.00 am & 6.30 pm
Thursday 7.30 pm
(Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, special meetings as announced)
All welcome

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What does Strict and Particular Baptist mean?
Strict refers to the Communion Service (the Lord's Supper). It is restricted to members of the church and to those visiting who are members, in good standing, of a church of like faith and order.
Particular refers to the doctrine of the atonement - Particular Redemption. We believe that the death of the Lord Jesus Christ was for a particular people. It did not make salvation possible but it made salvation certain for all the elect of God. Jesus said, "I lay down my life for the sheep." (John 10:15.)
Baptist refers to the practice of total immersion, or the dipping into water, of those who have professed faith in Christ.